March is finally here, even though the weather man has not figured it out yet. March is usually one of my favorite months. It starts with temps in the 20s and 30s and finishes with temps in the 40s and 50s. You can usually depend on a couple of good heavy snow falls in March, then melting and snow man making weather. St. Patrick’s Day is a good holiday (Mrs. Dunn really likes it.), and my birthday is in March! The migratory birds along the Mississippi start moving and maybe even barge traffic
(I saw an article in the Star Tribune about Viking cruises from Europe starting Mississippi River cruises in 2016.).
What is not to like? We start planning the flower gardens and vegetable gardens and get out of the cave-man-mode.
Another plus for March now that I live in Reads Landing and volunteer at the National Eagle Center is SOAR. The eagle center brings in special bird programs from around the nation each weekend. They also have special programs at the NEC for kids and this year a new program about eagles around the world aimed more at adults. Check out their web site for a full schedule (www.nationaleaglecenter .org).
If you have been to SOAR before, do not hesitate to come back. New ideas and programs this year. SOAR started in 1993 outside on the dock as a one-day event and has grown to a 4-weekend event now. Last year 11,000 people attended SOAR. Amazing (Wabasha only has a population of about 2500.). The sad thing will be that as SOAR ends, and the ice melts and goes, so will most of the eagles until next November. BUT, we do have several nesting pairs in the area to keep track of.
We usually are well booked up for SOAR, but this year we have plenty of openings so far, in fact, this coming weekend 3/6-3/7 we only have one booking.
This year my orchids have decided to start blooming in March. Anxious for all 6 to have blooms open. They are pretty. It is hard not to buy more as I see them when out shopping. But, my orchid table is only so big. Probably a good thing!
I think I will go out and sharpen the lawn mower blade! Bill