The winter of 2014 will go down in this house as the winter with the teeth of a wolf. It
latched on and would not let go!! Yet another week of highs in the
teens and lows below zero – and it is to last util next Sunday at the minimum. POOP. We continue to have some guests, although one couple cancelled last weekend due to poor road conditions. Funny how the couple from Kasson, MN could not make it, but the couple from Arlington, SD did make it. Such is life. Even the eagles are not liking this winter near us. We usually can count over a hundred right out front each morning, but this year only 40 to 50, which is still many for our guests, for whom they are rare, just disappointing to us. We are spoiled.
We did have guests 2 weeks ago who had a digital camera and had
taken some classes on use. They got some fantastic pictures of eagles in the area and agreed to let us share them with everyone. I have put some on facebook (, and will put some in this blog. So special thanks to Curt and Lisa. We hope they visit again.
Coming up in March is SOAR With the Eagles month at The National Eagle Center in Wabasha. They have many extra programs planned. Please check their web page for all the info ( We are usually pretty full during SOAR, but do have some openings. Call and check with us – the weekend of March 1st is full however.
My orchids started blooming again a week ago. They are doing well, and so pretty. Will share a picture.
Last and not least, DOES ANYONE really read these blogs??? I have no way of knowing. It is too much work if no one is reading them. So drop me an email and let me know if you read them ( I would really like to hear from you. Our web guru really pushed the blogging, but didn’t let me know how to get any feedback.
Please remember to “like” us on facebook and go to Trip-Advisor and give us a review (good would be preferred!!).